Server load average | load | 0.3 |
Number of logged users | users | 6 |
Number of running processes | procs | 103 |
CPU: | %usr | %sys | %wio | CPU | 8.0% |
Memory utilization | memory | 241M | used | 97.4% |
Disk swap space utilization | swap | 2047M | used | 4.2% |
Filesystems utilization: |
Inodes | Space on / | size | 7.45G | used | 1.66G |
Inodes | Space on /usr | size | 20.3G | used | 3.88G |
Summary of network activity: |
Traffic | Errors |
System I/O activity | |
Paging statistics | |
Swapping statistics | |
System switching activity | |
Semaphore activity | |
Message queues activity | |
Server uptime |
Current UNIX system information: |
Host status report | |
List of logged users | |
List of running processes |
websmon Web-based system monitor. Copyright © 2003, 2004 Dmitry Lapenkov. All rights reserved. |